Did Justin Bieber die in a car crash? Viral article debunked

May 2024 · 5 minute read

A recent claim about Canadian star Justin Bieber having passed away in a car accident in 2023 surfaced online. However, the death hoax was quickly debunked, and fans were happy to know that the singer is alive and in good health at the moment.

Rumors about the singer's death emerged on various social media platforms after people on Facebook stumbled upon a news article by Vairal News 93. The publication mentioned that the 29-year-old singer had died in a car accident.

Justin Bieber is alive and well. (Image via Twitter/@cementshoes)

The headline of the article by the news outlet read:

“(RIP) Justin Bieber died after crashing at over 100mph, coroner’s report reveals 05.03.2023.”

However, in the article itself, a different cause of his death was also mentioned. In the first part of the article, it was reported that Justin Bieber was found dead in a pool of his vomit in a hotel room in Las Vegas. The news report then went on to claim that authorities have not yet commented on the nature of the singer’s death.

Justin Bieber did not die in a car crash and is in good health

The site also posted several pictures of JB, with “RIP” written over them and an image of a candle edited on them. The inconsistency between the headline and the content of the article was proof enough for netizens to figure out that the news was fake. The site had earlier reported fake news about other celebrity deaths of stars including Simon Cowell, Mike Jagger, and Sylvester Stallone, among many others.

The Beauty And A Beat singer is alive and well and recently celebrated his 29th birthday with his family members and friends. JB shared pictures from his birthday party on Instagram. Other stars including Billie Eilish, Jaden Smith, Kid Laroi, Leon Bridges, Bernard Harvey, and Don Toliver were also present at the celebration, along with the singer's wife, Hailey Bieber.

JB recently made headlines for a few reasons. The singer canceled the rest of his Justice world tour after he was diagnosed with Ramsay Hunt syndrome. However, no official reason was shared by either the singer or his team for the cancelation.

Back in June 2022, JB told his fans through an Instagram video that he would be taking a temporary break from touring because of the impact of his neurological disorder on his body. He said that it left his face partially paralyzed.

After taking some time off to rest well and consult with the doctors and his family, the singer continued with the European leg of his tour.

Another reason why his name was brought up quite a few times was due to the social media post his wife Hailey Bieber shared on his birthday. On Wednesday, March 1, Hailey shared a birthday post for JB on Instagram where she addressed him as her best friend and wished him a happy birthday.

Hailey added:

“Words couldn’t possibly sum up all that you embody. So here’s to more joy, more travel, yummy food, adventures, more peace, fun, and most of all more love.”

Several netizens flooded the post with negative comments. Some also mentioned how JB did not like the post or even comment on it. One person wrote how Hailey stalked Justin until she got him.

However, JB did not comment on the criticism Hailey was receiving on social media. He posted a series of pictures from his birthday celebration. Among them were pictures featuring Hailey as well. The party was lighthearted and the guests seemed to have fun as they celebrated the singer's special day.

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