Former WWE Womens Champion recalls the time she teamed up with John Cena

June 2024 ยท 4 minute read

Trish Stratus has sent a message to John Cena during the latter's 20-year anniversary of his WWE debut.

John Cena made his much-awaited return to World Wrestling Entertainment to celebrate 20 years of his debut. During the latest episode of RAW, past and present superstars sent out a message to the 16-time world champion.

One of the big names who showed her appreciation was none other than Trish Stratus. She posted a video message on her Twitter account wherein she recalled the time they teamed up. In the end, she praised Cena's personality and thanked him.

"I've had the chance to team up with John Cena on two occasions and gave me an up-close chance to see what a creative, thought-provoking, emotion-evoking performer he is. John, you have inspired a locker room of co-workers for your dedication to your craft, and you've inspired a generation of millions with your dedication to them. Congrats on 20 years, the WWE Universe has never seen a superstar...quite like you. Congrats again, and Thank you." (0:01-0:29)

Check out the video here:

Stratus and Cena teamed in the years 2006 and 2008. First, during a six-man mixed tag team match, they paired up with Carlito to take on Randy Orton, Edge, and Lita. They were partners again in 2008 when they faced Glamarella, the team of Santino Marella and Beth Phoenix.

WWE fans praise Trish Stratus and John Cena

Like John Cena, Trish Stratus has been a beloved and influential figure in WWE and the wrestling community in general. The fans' appreciation was displayed under the former women's champion's post.

After posting the video, fans quickly acknowledged both superstars, with some even requesting another tag team action between them.

Check out some reactions here:

Another team-up in the future is not entirely impossible between the two superstars. In the past, Trish Stratus has expressed her desire and a possible return to in-ring action. Meanwhile, it remains to be seen when Cena's next match will be.

If you use any of the above quotes, please credit Trish Stratus and give a H/T to Sportskeeda Wrestling for the transcription.

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