How to change, customize, and more

May 2024 ยท 5 minute read

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 has finally launched on major platforms worldwide, welcoming fans into a weapon and tactic-rich battlefield. Alongside the campaign, which has managed to win every veteran Call of Duty fan's heart, Modern Warfare 2 comes with a mixture of iconic and new game modes, limitless weapon customization, enhanced visuals, and more accurate physics.

Modern Warfare 2 also comes with the iconic showcase operator feature. It lets players choose an unlocked operator to appear beside their name in multiplayer lobbies. The popular personalization feature is the perfect way to showcase your progress with character unlocks and your achievements in the game.

In addition to operators, one can choose to customize the showcase operator with a weapon and calling cards.

Steps to tweak your showcase operator, weapon, calling cards, and more in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

Before you head on to the steps, make sure to unlock the operator you want to use as a showcase first. Locked characters cannot be used as showcase operators. To change a showcase operator, follow these steps:

  • Open the Multiplayer lobby in Modern Warfare 2, and press the 'Options' (PlayStation) or the 'Menu' (Xbox) button. Navigate to the right-most 'Profile' tab option. On PC, click the 'Profile' icon on the top-right to open the same.
  • Select 'Edit Showcase.' Here, you will find options to edit showcase operator, weapon, calling card, and emblem.
  • Select the 'Showcase Operator' option under the 'Edit' menu to select an operator for your lobby screen. Next up, choose the 'Showcase Weapon' option to select a weapon for your lobby screen. Like operators, only unlocked weapons can be chosen for the showcase. Choose the 'Showcase Calling Cards' option to pick the cards you want to show off in the lobby.

    You will also find further options for Calling Cards, Emblems, and Clan Tags under the 'Edit' menu. These customization options are for your profile and will not appear in your lobby.

    How to fix the "Edit Showcase Operator" bug?

    Many players reported being troubled by a bug that didn't allow them to choose a showcase operator. No matter what operator they chose, the game reverted the showcase to default, which is Master Sergeant "Fender" Takacs of the KorTac faction.

    Unfortunately, Infinity Ward hasn't officially acknowledged the issue. According to recent reports on public forums like Reddit, the bug possibly awaits a patch even now.

    If you are unable to choose a showcase operator of your liking, make sure of its unlock status first. Also, check if there's an update available for Modern Warfare 2. Other workarounds like reinstalling the entire game have proven to be useless, as per reports.

    Infinity Ward has been releasing small patch fixes to solve such pestering problems. If you are still facing the issue, waiting for an official fix seems to be the best way to go.

    Infinity Ward is working to address all the known issues in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, and possibly has eyes on the showcase bug as well. Fans will have to wait for the developers to deploy a fix before getting to pick their favorite operator as a showcase.

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