How to get, features, price, and more

May 2024 ยท 5 minute read

In Overwatch 2, players may take control of Junkrat, the lunatic from under the earth, who uses explosives and traps to deal enormous damage to enemies. He is a reliable and consistent source of damage-giving and a character that consistently has the ability to lead the field of damage from match to match.

His main weapon is a grenade launcher that emits explosives that bounce. It deals a ton of damage to enemies in close proximity. He possesses two mines that he can remotely detonate as well, which he may employ to cause damage and can even be used to launch him.

This comes in handy to fall back from the enemy side or get into tight spots. His trap can be used to cover flanking areas and stop enemies from advancing forward. His Ultimate ability, RIP-Tire is a motorized tire that he remotely controls and sends toward the enemies, which causes a lot of damage.

Blizzard has released a whole new epic bundle for Junkrat in Overwatch 2. The bundle includes a new Junkrat skin and accessories with a few changes to their looks. He even gets a new Souvenir named Pachimobi. The Mobster Junkrat Bundle is discussed in detail in the next section.

How can gamers obtain the Overwatch 2 Mobster Junkrat Bundle?

The package was made available on November 23 and is only going to be live until November 30 in the Overwatch 2 in-game store. Every week, the in-game store is updated, however, it is uncertain when the skin will return. Players must thus get it during this limited period.

The bundle costs 1200 Overwatch coins, but for a limited period of six days, it is available at a discounted price of 800 Overwatch coins, which can be purchased via the store menu. Players may purchase Overwatch coins in the game's marketplace with real money, or they can earn them by completing weekly tasks.

Unpacking the Bundle

Mobstar Junkrat Bundle Overwatch 2 (images via Blizzard Entertainment)

The Mobster Junkrat Bundle provides a classic finish where he wears a black suit along with a red tie. His prosthetic arm and leg get a wooden finish which overall looks great on him. All his accessories like the RIP-Tire, Concussion Mine, Frag Launcher, Steel Trap, and Concussion Mine get slight changes with a wooden finish that matches his attire perfectly.

His new Souvenir is named Pachimobi, a blue-gray pirate-themed octopus wearing a dollar hat with a black bowtie.

Pachimobi, a new Souvenir included in the bundle (image via Blizzard Entertainment)

As indicated before, the in-game store offers this bundle for a discounted price of 800 Overwatch coins. Players can either buy these coins with real money or earn them through weekly challenges in-game. As 800 Overwatch coins cannot be bought, players need to buy 1000 Overwatch Coins, which is equivalent to 9.99$.

Overwatch 2 coins shop (Image via Blizzard)

The discount is only limited to six days, after which the bundle will be priced at 1200 Overwatch coins. The skin is worth purchasing, therefore players who want to add it to their collection should acquire it as soon as possible.

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