Is Quandale Dingle dead? Internet hoax debunked

April 2024 · 5 minute read

With the rise of Quandale Dingle’s popularity on TikTok, netizens are now creating rumors that the teenager who quickly became a meme online has passed away.

A video claiming that the internet sensation has died has been circulating on the video sharing platform and has accumulated over three million views. However, it is safe to say that it is simply an internet hoax. Dingle is not dead.

Generation Z became obsessed with the youngster after a video of him circulated in 2021. The football star was spotted on the field, with many noticing the name at the back of his jersey. Quandale Dingle has since gone on to become an internet star.

This week, a video claiming that the New Jersey-native has passed away found its way online. One of the many videos talking about his passing was posted by a TikToker named jaisvideos. In the video, a poster of the high school football player with his head bowed down and a halo around his head can be seen.

The text in the video also reads:

“Rip quandale dingle they are all dying. Quandale Dingle has died at age 419 due to s**cide”

Several others posted their own videos with the same poster and crying dramatically. Some of the reactions to the video read:

Netizens react to video claiming Quandale Dingle passed away (Image via jaisvideos/TikTok)

Did Quandale Dingle die in reality? TikTok rumor debunked

Sources online claim that Dingle has not passed away but no evidence of the same was made available online. It is also important to know that details regarding the football player remain unavailable.

Despite being a meme online, his social media accounts cannot be found online.

As no credible publication has reported about the internet star’s passing, it is safe to say that the rumor was created by internet users.

In recent years, several celebrities have become victims of such death hoaxes. A few of the many include Justin Timberlake, Tom Hanks, Avril Lavigne and even Jaden Smith.

Everything to know about the internet sensation

According to KnowYourMeme, Dingle was a Pennsauken high school football player who gained traction after he was identified by a TikTok user. The latter recorded a video of his team on YouTube and noticed the name on the back of his jersey read "Dingle."

The earliest video, which featured Dingle, was posted on September 13, 2021. A TikTok, user asapfeet, uploaded a video showing a Windows PC login with the name Quandale Dingle written below it.

The image of him which has now gone viral, remains distorted and it seems like the athlete prefers to keep his identity private and not reveal how he looks.

The youngster, who has now become a meme, is still recognized as a high school athlete. However, a netizen claimed that Dingle had graduated.

On June 18, 2022 TikTok user goofygoober793 posted a video showing Dingle’s name on a sheet of paper. The video then cuts to the principal calling out his name on stage and Dingle walking towards him to accept his diploma. The video had amassed over seven million views in just five days.

It is evident that netizens are fans of the teenager. With his growing popularity online, it is unsurprising that internet users are spreading misinformation about him.

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