Is the Rare Players Pack in FIFA 23 worth it?

April 2024 ยท 5 minute read

The Rare Players Pack is amongst the most valuable and coveted offerings in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team. It offers fans a high-percentage probability of obtaining meta-overpowered cards in the game and earns its reputation as an extremely desirable commodity in FUT.

FIFA 23 had the most successful launch in the history of the franchise, with over 10 million active players getting their hands on the latest iteration of the iconic football simulation series. Naturally, this figure includes veterans as well as newbies, and for the latter, Ultimate Team can prove to be a rather overwhelming and challenging new experience.

Although Ultimate Team is by far the most popular game mode present in FIFA, it is not always very conducive for beginners as they may find it hard to navigate the various aspects of FUT. To make life a little bit easier for them, it is important for them to know where to invest their time and FUT coins to get the best out of their FIFA 23 experience.

Note: This article is subjective and reflects the writer's opinions.

Are the Rare Players Pack valuable in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team?

Ultimate Team is the most profitable venture for EA Sports as it earns them a significant portion of their annual revenue through microtransactions. These microtransactions are available in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team in the form of FIFA Points, which can be purchased with real-life currency to open packs in the game.

However, not all FUT enthusiasts will indulge in such expenses, with most users opting for a free-to-play approach. Fortunately, both sides of the FUT demographic have access to some incredibly valuable items like the coveted Rare Player Pack across various areas within the game.

What is a Rare Players Pack?

The Rare Players Pack is also commonly referred to as the 50k pack in FUT, because of its coin value in the FIFA 23 store. It consists of 12 items, all being rare gold versions. It is amongst the most valuable packs in FUT, eclipsed only by the Rare Mega Pack (55k), Jumbo Rare Players Pack (100k), and the Ultimate Pack (125k).

Where to obtain the Rare Players Pack in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team?

The Rare Players Pack was recently introduced in the FUT store for the first time in the game during the inaugural day of the Rulebreakers promo. However, there are several other ways for fans to obtain this pack in FUT.

The pack is available in several reward tiers in competitive game modes like Division Rivals, Squad Battles, and FUT Champions. It is also featured as a reward in Advanced SBCs, like the Puzzle Master, Elite Eight, and the First XI SBCs.

Is the Rare Players Pack worth it?

While the Rare Players Pack comes at a hefty cost of 50,000 FUT coins or 1,000 FIFA Points, it also offers exceptional odds of obtaining high-rated players in FUT 23 which makes it quite desirable.

It may not be recommended to open this pack with coins as it is difficult to turn a profit from the contents. However, it is amongst the most coveted in terms of SBC and competitive rewards, as well as for fans who spend money on microtransactions.

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