Jamie Dornan: If I meet a male model now, I presume hes stupid

May 2024 · 3 minute read

'Fifty Shades Freed' Paris premiere - Arrivals

Here are some photos from the Paris premiere of Fifty Shades Freed, which will hopefully be the last entry of this series. You never know though – E.L. James wrote the books as a trilogy, then she wrote Grey, a retelling of the same story from Christian Grey’s perspective. My point? They could draw this out for a lot longer to get more money. But for now, this is the last of these terrible films. Fifty Shades Freed comes out today, which is a fact that surprises me – obviously, I pay attention to which films are premiering and which actors are on promotional trails, and let me tell you… Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan really haven’t done a big promotional push at all. They’re both over it. Oh, in these photos, Dakota is wearing Prada.

Jamie sat down with Elle Magazine to chat about the film. You can read the full piece here. Some highlights:

On his FSOG modesty pouch: “Let me tell you a modesty-pouch story. You’re sort of presented with a few options and sizes. They’re all skin-colored—but, like, if you’d gotten jaundice. That color. Like an ill person. I picked one out. Everyone had left the room. As I was putting it on, I saw a little label stitched inside. It said, “inmate #3.” I very nearly puked. As my genitals came to a rest at the bottom of this thing, I thought, Someone has worn this. I actually called the wardrobe assistant. I was like, “Dude, what the f–k? This is secondhand?” He said, “No, trust me.” But he lost my trust.

His early days as a male model: “I genuinely believe Zoolander isn’t that far off from some of those dudes. If I meet a male model now, I presume he’s stupid. A lot of them are. I used to get offended. If people knew you were a model, they’d start talking slightly slower, like you literally were the third guy along in Darwin’s evolution of man. But I’m not ungrateful. I was in my twenties, and I was getting paid to lean against walls and look like I wanted to hit people.

Whether there was ever a time that someone crossed a line when he was a model: “Yeah, dude. F–k. Early on? F–k. You’d be sent to these dodgy little apartments around London. “Oh, this up-and-coming photographer wants to meet you and take a couple of Polaroids. It’ll be really good for your portfolio.” I remember one guy—I don’t know his name—he was like, “Let’s take some pictures.” Yeah, okay. Fine. Then he goes, “Take off your trousers.” I said, “Look, I kinda want to leave.” I was getting dressed. He kept coming in, acting like he’d left something in the room. There was nothing in that room except for a chair. Then he stopped me at the door, and—I’ll never forget this—he said he was going to make spaghetti Bolognese for us and open a bottle of wine. I called my agent and said, “Don’t ever f–king send me to one of these creepy bastards again.”

[From Elle]

“If I meet a male model now, I presume he’s stupid. A lot of them are.” That’s pretty harsh. But is it true? Granted, I don’t have much experience with male models, but I would imagine they are probably on par with actors as far as intelligence goes? There’s a superficiality that goes along with both careers, because you have to care about how you look and keeping fit, so you spend a lot of time worrying about diet and exercise and skincare and all of that. But it doesn’t follow that superficiality = stupidity. Basically, I think Jamie is just desperate to separate himself from his “Golden Torso” days because NOW he’s a serious actor.

'Fifty Shades Freed' Paris Premiere - Arrivals

Photos courtesy of WENN.
