Page 12 - Egypt & the Eternal Nile by Private, Classic River-Yacht

April 2024 · 2 minute read
OVERSEAS ADVENTURE TRAVEL Overseas Adventure Travel, founded in 1978, is America’s leading adventure travel company. The New York Times, Condé Nast Traveler, The Los Angeles Times, Travel + Leisure, The Wall Street Journal, US News & World Report, and others have recommended O.A.T. trips. But our most impressive reviews come from our customers: Thousands of travelers have joined our trips, and 95% of them say they’d gladly travel with us again, and recommend us to their friends. A WORD ABOUT ADVENTURE TRAVEL Our Egypt & the Eternal Nile by Private, Classic River-Yacht adventure is designed for people who want L OTʬP]PY_ VTYO ZQ _]LaPW Pc[P]TPYNP ?SP QL^NTYL_TYR NT_TP^ LYO ]TaP]^TOP aTWWLRP^ ZQ 0Rd[_ MPNVZY bT_S _SPT] Pc_PY^TaP ST^_Z]TP^ LYO M]PL_S_LVTYR WLYO^NL[P^ɨQ]ZX _SP [SL]LZYTN _]PL^`]P^ TY .LT]Z LYO 7`cZ] _Z _d[TNLW 0Rd[_TLY WTQP LWZYR ^NPYTN ^_]P_NSP^ ZQ _SP 9TWP DZ`] _]T[ T^ ^[WT_ MP_bPPY L 7LYO ?Z`] bSP]P dZ`ɪWW OTaP TY_Z 0Rd[_TLY ST^_Z]d Md Pc[WZ]TYR XTRS_d _PX[WP^ LYO [d]LXTO^& LYO L >XLWW >ST[ ,OaPY_`]P bSP]P dZ` Pc[P]TPYNP _SP ]ZXLYNP ZQ _SP RZWOPY LRP ZQ _]LaPW bT_S ʭaP YTRS_^ LMZL]O L []TaL_P NWL^^TN ]TaP] dLNS_ L^ dZ` ^WZbWd O]TQ_ LWZYR _SP QLMWPO bL_P]^ ZQ _SP 9TWP ?Z MP^_ PYUZd _SP aTaTO NZY_]L^_^ ZY _ST^ _]T[ M]TYR dZ`] N`]TZ^T_d ʮPcTMTWT_d LYO ^[T]T_ ZQ LOaPY_`]P INCLUDED IN YOUR PRICE » International airfare, airport transfers, » 21 small group activities RZaP]YXPY_ _LcP^ QPP^ LYO LT]WTYP Q`PW » Explore in a small group of 8-16 travelers ^`]NSL]RP^ `YWP^^ dZ` NSZZ^P _Z XLVP (average group size of 14) your own air arrangements » Services of a local O.A.T. Trip Leader who » All land transportation T^ LW^Z LY LNN]POT_PO 0Rd[_ZWZRT^_ » Accommodations for 9 nights in hotels, » Gratuities for local guides, drivers, and YTRS_^ ZY Z`] []TaL_PWd NSL]_P]PO luggage porters ]TaP] dLNS_ » 1]P\`PY_ ?]LaPWP] .]POT_ _ZbL]O dZ`] » XPLW^ɨOLTWd M]PLVQL^_ W`YNSP^ YPc_ : , ? _]T[ɨLY LaP]LRP ZQ ! LYO OTYYP]^ TYNW`OTYR 3ZXP 3Z^_PO 7`YNS LYO 3ZXP 3Z^_PO /TYYP] Itinerary Subject to Change. For Information or reservations, call 1-800-955-1925 12
