Trewley-Precious: Influencer with unique name has 3 sisters with unusual monikers

April 2024 · 2 minute read

A British woman with a very unusual name has revealed her three sisters all have unique monikers too – and boy are they different.

Trewley-Precious Sunshine Wass, pronounced “truly”, is a popular influencer from Essex, an hour east of London, who has amassed almost 500,000 followers on TikTok documenting her life as a traveller.

But while fans of the 22-year-old are familiar with her “unique” moniker, she’s left them stunned after revealing her three sisters all have equally as individual names.

The social media star, who is one of 13 children, recently responded to a fan who’d commented: “I love your name. Do your siblings all have similar names?”

In the video, which has been viewed more than 2 million times in just 24 hours, Trewley-Precious explains she was at her mum’s house with some of her siblings – passing the camera around to each one to reveal their names.

“Starting off with me, the prettiest and the youngest, my name is Trewley-Precious,” she states, before her phone panned to a red-headed sibling who revealed her name is Honey Peaches Amba.

Next up was Ruby-Anne Ysabella, pronounced “why-so-bella”, she stressed.

Finally she introduced her look-a-like sister, who revealed her name was Pearly Girl.

While the clip has racked up almost 150,000 likes to date, with many praising their uncommon monikers, some asked if being “different” was ever an issue for them growing up.

“Did you guys ever get bullied in school or looked at funny by jobs/work colleagues??” one woman quizzed.

“I love the names, but do they ever make you a target?” another wondered.

Others asked how their parents “came up” with so many “unique” names – and asked if Trewley-Precious could reveal all 13 monikers her parents gave their kids.

“What is the origin of these names? They’re all so unique,” one said.

“I love unusual names. I NEED to know all 13 names now!!” another remarked.

“Actually adore them all,” someone else mused.

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While many declared the names “stunning”, “unique” and “beautiful”.

But on a forum dedicated to influencer gossip, many have cruelly declared they “can’t stand” the name Trewley-Precious, with some even questioning if it was “real”.

“People need to stop trying to be unique when naming kids,” one Tattle Life user lamented.

Read related topics:TikTok
