Twitch streamer Sanchovies banned for the third time on Twitch

April 2024 · 5 minute read

League of Legends Twitch streamer Karim "Sanchovies" was banned for the third time on Twitch earlier today. The update first came through the automated Twitch streamer status account, StreamerBans:

Half an hour later, Sanchovies took to his main Twitter handle and provided two possible reasons for his most recent suspension.

He speculated that he was either banned for making offensive remarks towards Americans or because he recounted a story about being called a homophobic slur in Toronto, Canada. The Twitch streamer's social media update read:

"Okay, so either I got banned for saying Americans are fat pieces of bacon and lardf**kers (jokingly), or telling a story in which I was called the homophobic f slur in Toronto yesterday. Either way, I shall serve my sentence, and return to you lovely people a challenger mid laner."
Popular League of Legends Twitch streamer Sanchovies provides an update for his third suspension on Twitch (Image via Twitter)

Fans react to Twitch streamer Sanchovies getting banned once more on Twitch

The Twitch content creator's update instantly gained traction on the social media platform. Community members on StreamerBans' conversation thread wanted to learn more about Karim's status on Twitch:

Twitter user CommanderRoot (@CommanderRoot) confirmed that the streamer's third suspension was due to the Terms of Service (ToS) breach. The user also shared that the streamer's ban was temporary:

Some viewers recounted witnessing Sanchovies getting banned from Twitch live on stream:

Fans wanted to know why the streamer was banned in the middle of his broadcast:

Some Twitter users provided specualtive reasoning for the League of Legends streamer's ban:

Others claimed that Karim was "banned mid-sentence":

Fans on Sanchovies' reaction thread were saddened to see their favorite content creator getting suspended from the platform:

Here are some more relevant fan reactions:

Taking a look into the streamer's prior suspensions on Twitch

Sanchovies was banned for the first time on Twitch in April 2022, and it happened to be a permanent ban.

One of the reasons for his initial suspension was a statement he made about "bombing" his ISP (internet service provider). The Twitch streamer published a 438-word TwitLonger update in which he stated:

"I've been dealing with internet problems for as long as I can remember, and in an outburst of frustration I said something reallllllly stupid towards the end of the stream, threatening to bomb my ISP's headquarters. This had been something of an inside joke within my channel for years, but what I said was super irresponsible as somebody with a considerably large audience."

He apologized for his antics and concluded the address by adding:

"Again, this is the first time I get banned at all on Twitch, so I am now experiencing what it’s like not being able to connect with all of the amazing people I was lucky enough to meet with on a daily basis. And it is awful. The past few months have been very hard for me, but I need to learn to control my emotions better and be careful with the things that I say. And I definitely have learned my lesson. I am really, really sorry, and hope I will be given a second chance."

Sanchovies was initially unbanned after seven days, however, he was banned once again on the same account a few hours later. The Canadian personality was ultimately unbanned after 30 days.

Sanchovies is primarily a League of Legends streamer. He has played and streamed the Riot Games' MOBA for more than 7,850 hours on his channel. He currently has 342,786 followers and averages more than 2K viewers per stream.

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