What happened to Steven Craine? Winchester man identified as victim killed in Temecula crash

April 2024 · 4 minute read

Steven Craine, a 50-year-old Winchester man, was killed and his wife was seriously injured after a rollover wreck on Highway 79 just east of Temecula on October 8, 2023.

Craine was reportedly in a 2018 silver Nissan Sentra driven by his wife, 59-year-old Desire A. Craine, when the car, speeding between 60 and 80 miles per hour, failed to navigate a curve and flipped multiple times.

Steven Craine was reportedly pronounced dead at the scene. The victim’s wife was hospitalized at Inland Valley Medical Center with traumatic injuries.

Steven Craine and his wife were allegedly arguing in the car before the fatal crash

Screenshot via Facebook

According to multiple reports, shortly before the fatal crash that claimed the life of Steven Craine, witnesses in the area saw that the couple was arguing in the car. Patch News reported witnesses saw a 2018 silver Nissan Sentra swerve into opposite lanes more than once as the couple argued inside the car. California Highway Patrol officer Mike Lassig citing a witness statement said:

"After three miles of following the car, the witness saw some sort of an altercation between the driver and passenger inside the vehicle," Officer Mike Lassig said. "The Nissan was reported as driving between 60 and 80 miles per hour and swerved into opposite lanes more than once during that altercation."

After swerving into the opposite lane, the couple’s car, heading toward Temecula on Highway 79 just past SR-371 in Aguanga, was observed approaching a curve in the road. However, due to its speed, Craine's wife, who was at the wheel, failed to traverse the curve, causing the car to flip over many times.

"The Nissan was observed to have crossed into the opposing lane on multiple occasions,'' Lassig added. "The vehicle traveled around a curve in the road as it approached Pauba. The driver failed to traverse the curve safely, causing the Nissan to travel off of the roadway and roll over multiple times."

The impact of the rollover crash ejected Steven Craine, who was not wearing a safety restraint, out of the car and onto the side of the highway.

According to Patch, Riverside County Fire Department paramedics arrived shortly after and pronounced Steven Craine dead at the scene. Craine's wife was transported to an area hospital with serious injuries. Authorities have yet to provide an update on her condition.

Speed and alcohol contributed to the fatal crash

Meanwhile, Lassig said that speed and alcohol were the potential variables that contributed towards the fatal crash. However, Lassig refused to disclose additional information, citing an active investigation.

As authorities continue to investigate the circumstances that led to the crash, they urged anyone who witnessed the collision or altercation between the couple in the car to call 951-506-2000.

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