Which Eagles players have also played for Broncos? NFL Immaculate Grid answers for September 11

June 2024 · 5 minute read

In the latest version of the NFL Immaculate Grid, one grid focuses on players who played for both the Philadelphia Eagles and Denver Broncos.

Brian Dawkins is a former football safety who played for both these teams. In his 16 years in the NFL, he played 13 seasons for the Eagles and three for the Broncos.

NFL Immaculate Grid for September 11

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Throughout his illustrious 16-year career, Brian Dawkins remained loyal to two NFL teams: the Philadelphia Eagles and the Denver Broncos.

Dawkins' journey began when he was chosen by the Eagles as the 61st overall pick in the second round of the 1996 NFL draft. In 1999, he inked a notable three-year, $1.2755 million contract with the Eagles.

This was followed by a significant extension in 2003, a five-year, $12.44 million deal. The year 2006 saw him restructuring his contract, committing to a two-year, $6.2 million agreement that solidified his enduring association with the Eagles.

Over his 13 seasons with the Eagles, Dawkins was a fixture on the field, starting in an impressive 182 out of 183 games. His contributions were formidable, culminating in 914 tackles, 21.0 sacks, eight QB hits, 16 fumbles recovered, and an astounding 32 forced fumbles.

Former Eagles' safety Brian Dawkins

In 2009, Dawkins embarked on a new chapter, signing a substantial five-year, $27 million contract with the Denver Broncos. During his three seasons with the team, he maintained a strong presence, starting in 39 out of 41 games, and amassing 233 tackles, 5.0 sacks, and nine hits.

The culmination of his extraordinary career came in 2012 when Dawkins announced his retirement from professional football. His legacy was punctuated by nine Pro Bowl appearances and four selections to the All-Pro First Team.

NFL Immaculate Grid’s September 11 solutions

With the inclusion of Brian Dawkins, one part of the NFL Immaculate Grid has already been solved.

Here are the complete answers for September 11th NFL Immaculate Grid:

NFL Immaculate Grid answers for September 11
  • Green Bay Packers and Denver Broncos - Javon Walker
  • Green bay Packers and New Orleans Saints - Jimmy Graham
  • 1st Team AP All Pro with Green Bay Packers - Aaron Rodgers
  • Philadelphia Eagles and Denver Broncos - Brian Dawkins
  • Philadelphia Eagles and New Orleans Saints - Malcolm Jenkins
  • 1st Team AP All Pro with Philadelphia Eagles - Jason Kelce
  • Cincinnati Bengals and Denver Broncos - Adam Jones
  • Cincinnati Bengals and New Orleans Saints - Andy Dalton
  • 1st Team AP All Pro with Cincinnati Bengals - Andrew whitworth
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