Willow is Coming to TNA

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read
Last night on iMPACT, we were treated to a short vignette touting Willow's arrival in TNA. Obviously this is Jeff Hardy in a mask, contact lenses and face paint. Although I never watched OMEGA wrestling, I have seen this character (or a version of it, at least) on youtube.

Willow cut a creepy, albeit a short promo in the middle of the woods - complete with a full-length black coat, twirling an umbrella in some of the shots, speaking in riddles, and laughing like a maniacal hyena.


Personally, I love it. Jeff Hardy has been "Jeff Hardy" on TV for long enough, and I believe it's waaaay past the time for him to reinvent himself. With Sting's recent departure, I think this is the perfect time for him to debut on iMPACT as Willow. The character could be a total disaster, but at least he's trying something different than just being "himself". This is a way to bring Hardy back, but make it feel different than before. He may have to "start over" on the card, but is that really such a bad thing?

What do you think about Willow's impending arrival to iMPACT Wrestling? Will he arrive as a heel, or face? Just based on this first promo, are you excited to see Jeff try something new? Will Jeff return to Lockdown as Willow, or "Jeff Hardy"? Does Willow return before Lockdown, since it was Jeff Hardy that was promised to return then? Will Hardy pull double-duty on future TNA shows playing both characters (similar to Abyss/Joseph Park), or do you think Willow will be his main priority?
